School will release at 3 pm today.
about 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery
Grade School and Junior High basketball games at Balko vs Goodwell have been canceled for tomorrow.
about 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery
Balko Bison basketball games today and tomorrow will be streamed by BoomerTV on YouTube.
about 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery
Pickup will be from the breezeway today that goes out to the auditorium. Sorry for the inconvenience.
about 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery
Balko Bison will be live-streamed on Boomertv on YouTube.
about 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery
Balko School Food Drive
about 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery
Balko Food Drive
Hey parents, just wanted to give you a heads-up that the buses will be returning after the high school ball games at Yarbrough tonight. This includes the Jr high bus. We should arrive around 10:00 pm. Please make arrangements accordingly.
about 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery
We will start the JH Girls game tonight with Forgan at 6 pm. JH boys will follow.
about 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery
Dinner, and a Christmas concert, and getting there on time ? I don't even wanna "taco" 'bout it !! Let the JR class make your supper on Thursday !!!
about 1 year ago, Kierstyn Mesa
meal before concert
Tis the Season to Dress Up Monday - Christmas PJ's or any PJ's Tuesday - Bison Spirit Gear Wednesday - Wear Christmas or Crazy Socks Thursday - Wear Santa Hat, Reindeer Antlers or a Hat Friday - Wear Ugly Sweater or your Favorite Holiday Shirt
about 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery
about 1 year ago, Kierstyn Mesa
On Saturday at the Panhandle Conference JH Tournament in Beaver, our boys are scheduled to play at 11:15. Our girls are scheduled to play at 12:30. However games could be earlier because there will only be 10 minutes between each game.
about 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery
!!!ATTENTION ALL JH/HS PARENTS!!! It is about that time to start thinking of the end of the first semester! Semester testing will be on December 18th and 19th , Monday the 18th being ODD Hour testing and Tuesday the 19th being EVEN hour testing. Both days will be an early dismissal at 12:30. We strongly encourage all absences coded AA on your parent portal be cleared up as soon as possible so that the office can determine wheteher your student must come to school those days to test. The policy this year is as follows: Eligibility 1. Students who maintain an “A” average and who have no more than Four excused absences. 2. Students who maintain a “B” average and who have no more than Three excused absences. 3. Students who maintain a “C” average and have Two excused absence. 4. The averages and absences are on an individual class basis. 5. Three absences due to the death of an immediate family member and three doctor absences will not be counted against attendance for the purpose of semester test exemption. Students must bring back a funeral program or a note from the doctor. Ineligibility Any unexcused absence and/or an office referral (principal’s discretion) makes a student ineligible for participation in the Semester Test Exemption Plan.
about 1 year ago, Kierstyn Mesa
Here is a link to watch the Community Meeting Regarding the Career Tech tonight at 7 pm
about 1 year ago, Kierstyn Mesa
Due to Friday being the beginning of Thanksgiving break, we will not be having Little Bison Cheer Camp. Have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving!
about 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery
about 1 year ago, Kierstyn Mesa
Here is a link to today Grade School Basketball Game
about 1 year ago, Kierstyn Mesa
It is highly recommended to wait 24 hrs after the first antibiotic treatment for pink eye before attending school. Any student showing symptoms may be sent home.
about 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery
Congrats To Balko's very own Emelie Trentham , for being selected as a 2023 Cross Country Senior All Star !!
over 1 year ago, Kierstyn Mesa
over 1 year ago, Terry Mulbery